Flat-Coated Retrievers
108 Mile Ranch, BC
Autumn X Pippin Puppy Updates
November 21 & 22, 2015
Rex was entered in his first conformation show. You can read my blog for details.

November 2015
Chrissie is 48lbs and leggy. At 6 months of age, Rex is 71.9 lbs and 23 1/2" tall. What a big boy.
Duchess is 60 lbs.
September 2015
Rex is growing and growing. At 16 weeks of age he is 40 lbs.
at 20 weeks Rex is 53.4 lbs. At 5 months Rex is 58.9 lbs and 22" at the withers. What a big boy.

September 2015
Duchess at 19 weeks

July 7, 2015
Puppies are 8 weeks old. Chrissie weighed in at 19 lbs 6 oz - that's right almost 20 lbs. Thought my scale wasn't working right but then I heard from Rex's owner and he weighed 19 lbs 2 oz. Yikes, these are big puppies.
Chrissie didn't wake us up until 6 am this morning. The night before she woke us up around 4 am and again at 6:00. We have her in a crate with a pen around it so if she wants she can go pee on the pads just outside the crate she can but she can't wonder the house. We thought of taking her into the bedroom and putting her in a closed crate but she put herself in Forrest's crate to lie on the wet towel so we figured she would settle best there. She goes to bed without any problems, even goes in by herself during the day when she wants to sleep where it's cool.
July 11, 2015
The last puppy, Chrissie, AKA Radford Bishop's Queen Bee, left today. She will be going to Alberta with Avery and Mike. She will have a great life.
Autumn had been spending lots of time with Chrissie playing bitey face in the yard. It was nice to see the two of them play for long periods of time.

Chrissie - 8 weeks old.

3 Generations
Grandma Eve, Chrissie, Mom Autumn

The family
Autumn, Forrest, Eve, Chrissie

July 5, 2015
Mr. Blue, AKA Rex, AKA Radford Bomerang has just arrived safely at his new home in Mission with his new mom and Dad, Dorte and Ken. This boy has the best temperment ever. He will be getting lots of training and possibly doing agility down the road. I will also have the opportunity to see him again as I co-own him and will be showing him (unless of course his new mom or dad want to give it a try).
Miss Red, AKA Chrissie is a little lost without her littermates. But I think she is liking having mom to herself. Autumn even played with her today. She hasn't really done much of that, it's been mostly Eve who played with them. Here's a video of Autumn playing with her last baby Chrissie.

July 4, 2015
Little Miss Green, AKA Duchess, AKA Radford Boann Duchess'DeWinton left with her new mom and dad, Kathryn and Thomas from Alberta. It is always hard saying good-bye. She is going to have a great time with her new two legged brothers and sisters. Duchess will be a great friend to the kids and will have tons of fun running around on the acreage.

July 2, 2015
Miss Green AKA Duchess had surgery to fix her umbilical hernia. Surgery went well. Now to keep her quiet for 2 weeks. That's going to be a tough one. I made her a little cover up, now she looks like her mom.

July 1, 2015
Puppies woke me up at 1:30 am to go outside to pee then went back to sleep until 4:45 am. Let them out again and let mom feed them a bit then we all went back to sleep. They woke again around 7:30 and played hard for about 1 1/2 hours.
I gave them some strongent T for worms today. Wasn't sure what I was seeing in their poops, so thought I'd be safe. Not looking forward to the diahrea that follows.
Was able to get a few photos of them today. The ones of them sitting at the top of the deck stairs I was using banana as a treat and they really liked it.
They finally found a way out of the penned grass area at the bottom of the stairs. Found 2 of them under the deck.

June 30, 2015 7 weeks old
The puppies had their wellness exams today. Miss Red (Chrissie) is great and weighs 7.2 kg. Miss Green (Duchess) weighs 7.5 kg and her hernia is getting bigger so we will be fixing it on Thursday before she leaves for her forever home. Mr. Blue (Rex) is 7.5 kg. His testicles haven't shown up yet but vet figures it's a little early yet.
The first 15 minutes of the trip was a bit noisy but after that they settled into the crate in the car for the hour trip. They were great in the vet office. Slept through most of it. Barely cringed when they got their micro chips. All quiet on the long ride home.
The weather was really bad today, we had a huge thunder storm. The puppies didn't even notice. If they had their way they'd be outside all the time. Because of the bad weather I didn't get some new stacked photos. Will do tomorrow.
The latest thing for the pups is a barking stand off. Gets pretty loud at times.
Last night they woke up at 3:00 am, I took them outside for a pee break and when I put them back into their pen/crate area they settled down nicely. This is the first night they haven't been fed by mom during the night. They woke up again at 5:00 am and I let them out again for a pee and poop. Mom came down and let them have a bit of milk then she left. The pups settled down again until about 7:30ish. I think they hear the dogs moving around upstairs.
June 23, 2015 6 weeks old
Puppies are 6 weeks old and boy are they big. So much bone and coat. I'm now keeping mom from feeding them at all during the day and let her feed during the night or first thing in the morning. They are using their pee pads more often and are actually going poop outside in the grass. I've added a couple of crate bottoms to their nightime sleeping area in hopes they will start using them. Have spent one session crate training and 1 session of them doing a recall to their names. They seem to know their names. Could be just responding to the noise. Here is a short video of them playing a game of tug

June 16, 2015 5 weeks old
Puppies turn 5 weeks old today. They are certainly little puppies now. Or maybe I should say big puppies now. Mr. Blue (Rex) weighed in at 11 lbs 1 oz , Miss Green was 11 lbs 4 oz, Miss Red was 10 lbs 14 oz. I tried to take stacked photos of them today, it wasn't easy as they just don't want to stand still, but I managed to get a somewhat decent photo of each.
June 10, 2015 - 4 weeks
Puppies are continuing to grow like weeds. They are all about 1 lb heavier than the heaviest pup from my last litter. All moving well, chewing on everything with their sharp little teeth. Come running when they hear where's my babies. Using the litter box about 1/2 the time. They all love people attention and they are spending more time awake playing with each other and now play with their toys. They spend the day upstairs and nightime they sleep downstairs. I may have to set up the crates as they can almost climb out of the whelping box. Here's a short video of them on the deck..
Here's their weight updates.
June 14, 2015
The puppies are very mobile. I have moved them back downstairs for most of the mornings where they have more space. I have removed the whelping box and added a wire crate. Hopefully they will start to use it. Although they seem to prefer to sleep on the cool floor next to the big stuffed dog. I also took them outside on the deck and they discovered the puppy entertainment centre. Here is a video of them playing on it. Here's a picture of Miss Red and Miss Green.

May 30, 2015 2 1/2 weeks old
They are making lots of noise now. Had me up a few times during the night. They seem to take awhile to settle after being fed. Today they had a couple of first. First time outside in the yard on the grass. First raw food. I had tried to feed them some milk replacer yesterday but they wanted nothing to do with it. So today I prepared a mush of raw food mixed with Esbilac. I only took a small amount to them as I thought I would have to feed it to them from my fingers. Miss Red had her head in the dish right away and was loving it. Blue and Green ate a bit off the side of the dish, but mostly from my fingers. They went right to sleep after eating, no fussing. So I will be giving them some more just before bedtime tonight. Hope it helps fill them up so they go to sleep faster. I also have been trying to get them used to using a box to go to the bathroom. I originally had put some wood pellets in the box. They weren't too fusy about that so I have removed the chips and just put in a puppy pad with a few chips. I have tried to put them in the box when they first wake up. Sometimes it has worked and sometimes I have been peed on. We'll keep working on this. Here's a video from today.

Day 16, May 28, 2015
All the puppies have opened their eyes. I don't think they can focus yet. All attempting to walk, still wobbly. They seem to be able to hear a little bit. They are all close to 5 lbs. Still sleeping a lot but can be very loud when they want to be, especially right after they have eaten. They spend most of the day upstairs in the living room. I have taken them out onto the deck a few times.
Day 10, May 22, 2015
Puppies got their collars today.
The boy is now Blue Boy and weights 3 lbs 6 oz
Right Shoulder Girl is not Miss Green and weighs 3 lbs. 9 oz
Left hip girl is now Miss Red and weighs 3 lbs. 8 oz
They are all starting to open their eyes. I have put together a pen area for them in my living room so they can be with the family during the day. They will still sleep downstairs. I will go back to my own bed. Autumn takes really good care of them at night so I think it should be find to leave them with her. Here is a video with their new collars.

Day 7, May 19, 2015
The 3 little pups are still growing like weeds. One of them has started barking. Don't think they can hear yet. During the day they seem to sleep a lot, but at night there is lots of whining going on. Autumn is spending a lot more time away from them now. She still makes sure they are OK and are fed, but once they are asleep she leaves. She wants to be with the other dogs. I'm still sleeping next to the whelping box and will continue until they open their eyes. Here's a video of them feeding.
Here is their weight increases to date.
Day 8, May 20, 2015
Puppies got to spend some time outside. It was a beautiful day. They weren't to sure of the new surroundings. Later in the evening they got their first nail trim. Didn't go to badly.

Day 3, May 15, 2015
The pups are growing so fast. The boy has increased from 1lb to 1lb 9oz. Right Shoulding girl from 13 oz to 1lb 11oz. Left Hip Girl from 1lb 1oz is now 1lb 11oz.
Mom is now going outside for a pee without me having to take the pups in a warming box. She is also settling down. She was very panicky whenever any of the pups got more than 6" away from her. It's been a bit of a rought couple of days and nights but I think things are getting better. Here's a couple of links to some fun videos.
On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Autumn gave birth to 3 black flatcoats.
first born: time: 7:40 am - boy 1lb (left shoulder mark)
second born: time: 8:03 - girl 13 oz (right shoulder mark)
third born: time: 8:40 am - girl 1lb 1oz (left hip mark)
Puppy Entertainment Centre....
April 20, 2015
We made a puppy entertainment centre for the puppies to play with. I might still add a few more tugs. I think the puppies are going to have a great time with this.

Pregnancy is confirmed....
April 9, 2015
We did an ultrasound at Williams Lake Vet Clinic. We found 4 puppies for sure but could not see all areas because of gas bubbles. So figure there are definately more in there.
Autumn was great, she had no problem laying on her back. She was very relaxed and even had her front legs straight in the air (like she does every night on the couch) and her tail was wagging the whole time.
Autumn is Bred to Pippin....
Autumn was bred to Pippin via surgical implant of frozen semen On March 11, 2015
Progesterone readings as follows:
March 4 = .67 ng
March 6 = 2.16 ng
March 8 = 3.92 ng 10 am.
March 9 = 8.2 ng 11 am (ovulation occured)
March 11 = Insemination 2 pm
These photos show her belly from March 15 onward.