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Flat-Coated Retriever ZuZu


August 2024 - Zuzu earns her Dock Diver Senior & Speed Swim Senior title  with the National Dog Sports.  Also placing 3rd in the distance jump at the Western Cup in her division. 

May 2024 - After many years we decided to try rally again.  ZuZu completed her Rally Advanced title at the Cariboo Kennel Club trial.  Her first qualifying score in advanced was earned in 2019 and we earned 3 more Q's under judges David Denis and Bill Blair.

August 2023 - Zuzu qualifies in 4 out of 6 AAC agility events earning her ADC (Agility Dog of Canada) and completing her Starters Jumpers.  She also got 1 Q towards her starters Gamblers.  She already has her Starters Snooker title.  

2023 - ZuZu completes her CD title at the Kelowna Kennel Club trial in May. 

2022 - ZuZu earns her DSA - Senior Advanced and her DM - Masters titles in Dock Diving.  She also earned her PCD title at Cariboo Kennel Club trial in May and first 2 legs towards her CD title at Burns Lake.  

June 17-19, 2021,  NADD, ZuZu earned her first Dock Diving Title - DS and an invite to the Regionals in Manitoba

September 29, 2019 Mt. Cheam show, ZuZu completes her Canadian Championship with 2 WB, 2 BOW & 1 BOS, under judges Claudio Rossi and Anthony Kelly.

September 13, 14,15, 2019 ZuZu earns 3 more points towards her Championship at the  LMDF of BC show. Winning WB & BOW all 3 days.  Judges:  Dr. Castro, Mark Anderson, Monika Blaha

August, 2019, At the Prince George Trial/show ZuZu won WB, and BOW for her 1st 3 points towards her championship under judge Lynda Saranchuk.

She also earned her first leg towards her Advanced Rally with a score of 90 under judge Robert Terry Gains.  

July 20, 2019 ZuZu completes her RN Rally Novice title with another High in Class and a score of 94. 

June 2019, ZuZu earned 2 High in Class ribbons at her very first rally competition with scores of 99 and 98.  

August 9 - 11, 2018  ZuZu competed in the 2018 FCRSC National Specialty held in Edmonton, AB.  She placed 4th in Both the Puppy Sweeps and in the National conformation show. 

CH Eaglewind Its a Wonderful Life, PCD, CD, RN,  RA, DS,  DSA, DM, ADC ,DDS

Birthdate:  December 15, 2017       Breeder:  Carol Warner


CHIC - Qualified  # 146407

OFA:  Eyes - FR-EYE1075/24F-VPI  Normal

OFA:  Hips -  FR-6378G24F-VPI - Good

OFA:  Elbows - FR-EL3266F24-VPI - Normal

OFA:  Patellar - FR-PA2930/24F/P-VPI - Normal


Sire: Am Ch, Am GCh Blazingstar King Eider CGC "Odo"

Dam: Am Ch Windigo's Spellbound "Roxy"

Colour:  BbEE - Black, Carries Liver

                          Does not carry Yellow

Coefficient of Inbreeding:  0.2%

Genetic Diversity Analysis: OI: 0.38, AGR: -0.06. IR: 0.10 

Click here for a 10 Generation Pedigree for ZuZu  (prepared by Penny Woodward)

Flatcoated Retriever milo g gpa 13 half

"Milo", Destiny Good Old Glory

Grandpa to ZuZu

January 2020

13 years 7 months old

ZuZu Diversity Analysis
Flatcoated Retriever GrGrama Grace

"Grace" Cantus Grace of the Gun

Gr Grandma to ZuZu

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