Flat-Coated Retrievers
108 Mile Ranch, BC

GCH Highpoint-Radford All In, RN, RA, DN, DJ. DS, DDJ, SSN
Birthdate: January 9, 2019
Breeder: Dorte Larsen, Ken Larsen, Roxanne Ziefflie
Owner: Roxanne Ziefflie
OFA: Eyes - OFA - Normal FR-EYE1221/32M-VPI
Prelimary gonioscopy June 2019 - Clear.
OFA: Hips - OFA GOOD FR-6589G26M-VPI
OFA: Patella - OFA NORMAL FR-PA3111/26M/P-VPI
2024 - Prince George Kennel Club - Axel was entered in 5 shows in 3 days and he came away with 5 Best of Breeds (BOB) and 1 Group 4 for an additional 16 points towards his GCHB. Judges:
Ben Wasylyshen, Joanne Fernall, Barbara Heal, Wayne Thompson. Lucie Paradis
He also earned his DDJ (Dock Diving Junior & SSN (Speed Swim Novice) titles with the National Dog Sports and was Western Cup Champion in his division for speed swim.
2023 - Axel earns his RA Rally Advanced title at the Kelowna Kennel Club and the Cariboo Kennel Club events in May.
2022 - Axel completes his GCH - Grand Championship, earns DS - Dock Senior and RN - Rally Novice titles. By the end of the year Axel is half way to earning his GCHB.
September 3 & 4, 2021 Axel competes at the Skaha Kennel Club Dog show and receives 2
BOB under judges Janet Lebb and Yvonne Savard and 2 SD under Wendy Hamilton-Petkau and Gail Forsythe
August 13-15 Axel earns his DJ Dock Junior title in Quesnel.
July 23-26, 2021 Lakes District Kennel Club
8 All breed shows
Axel earned 5 Best of Breeds (BOB) for a total of 11 Pts. Judges: Michael Lanctot, Patricia Lanctot, Terry Gains, Olga Gagne, Carmen Haller and 1 Group 4 Under Judge Terry Gains for 1 pt and 3 Select Males (SM) for 3 more pts under Judges Edgar Bajona, Wendy Maisey, Grant Townsend
All owner Handled as usual.
July 16-18, 2021 Axel earned his Can Championship.
Saturday, July 17 - Sporting Dog Spectacular - FCRSC booster, Best of Winners (BOW) for 3 pts. under judge Gordon Haybum
Sunday, July 18 - Mt Cheam - Best of Winners (BOW) for another 2 pts. under judge JC Boulinguez
June 17-19, 2021 - Axel earns his first NADD Dock Diving title - DN.and an invite to the regionals in Manitoba
September 2019 - Axel earns two more points towards his championship at Mt. Cheam with a BOW
July 27, 2019 - Axel earns his first 3 points towards his championship by winning Winners Male WD and best of Winners BOW along with Best Puppy in Breed at the Prince George Show under Judge Joe Lobb
Below is Axel's first conformation show in Baby Puppy April 20, 2019
Sire: CH Eagletarn Radford's Forrest CD, CGN, ADC, SGDC, AADC, AGDC "Forrest"
Dam: GCH Radford Calleigh, RN "Luna"
Colour: BbEE - Black, Carries Liver
Does not carry Yellow
Coefficient of Inbreeding: 0.3%
Genetic Diversity Analysis: OI: 0.16, AGR: 0.06. IR: 0.00

Want to see his group showing click here
Day 2 - Renaissance Dog Assoc. - click here
Day 2 - Baby Puppy Group 1 - click here