Flat-Coated Retrievers
108 Mile Ranch, BC
CH Eagletarn Everlasting Radford
Eve's Blog
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click here to view photo Album of Eve X Louhke puppies You can follow the puppies on YouTube RadfordRetrievers
I have moved the puppy information over to their own page click here for Eve X Louhke puppy page.
September 2017 Eve finally got one of her last master gambles. One more to go.
August - September 2015 - Eve has finally completed her Master Agility Dog Of Canada title. She has to get 2 moremaster gambles to get her ATCHC.
June 6 & 7, 2015 Eve competed at this year's AAC Regionals in Langley. She qualified for the National's with a score of 415.20 and placing 16th in the 16" DD vets. We only had one clean run and we didn't get either of the gambles this year. We haven't really done much agility since November 2014. We won't be attending the Nationals as I don't feel we are really ready for it.
November 1, 2014 Eve competed at the Top Dog Agility Trial in Prince George. She completed her Steeplchase Dog Of Canada Title, and 2 Master Gamblers, 1 Master Jumpers and 1 Master Snooker.
November 8, 2014 Eve was in for a check up on her lump on her leg - turns out it's an infection. She weighs 57 lbs.
September 6, 2014 Eve competed in the Quesnel Agility Trial and Q'd in Steeplechase. Had a couple of nice runs but still had a few bobbles.
August 30, 2014 Eve competed in the Altered class at the 2014 FCRSC National Specialty and placed 2nd. Here's a link to a photo of us in the pouring rain. https://flic.kr/p/oJRz3B We also tried our hand at obedience, but we just didn't come together. Too much stress from me while putting on the event.
August 23 & 24, 2014 Eve ran in our annual Cariboo Agility Team's agility trial and Q's in Master Jumpers and Steeplechase.
June 7 & 8, 2014 Eve competed in this years AAC BC/Yukon Agility Regionals. We had a couple of bobbles in the first two runs but after that Eve and I came together and had 4 clean runs in a row, including getting both the gambles. We ended with qualifying for the nationals with a score of 506 (you need 350 to qualify) and 9th place out of 24 dogs in our division. I was very happy with Eve. Her and I haven't had a lot of time to practice or trial.
Gambler 1 http://youtu.be/YnDcIH6tIbY Gambler 2 http://youtu.be/hHDrVxo3dLU
Standard 1 http://youtu.be/nbwRU7BJiOA Standard 2 http://youtu.be/DthIP5RJwwA
Jumpers 1 http://youtu.be/A_FlCBX6vsE
May 31, 2014 The 3 dogs and I headed to Kamloops for an agility trial to prepare for the upcoming Regionals. Eve Q'd in Steeplechase and Master Standard. We need 1 more standard for our MADC.
March 8, 2014 Took the 3 dogs to Prince George for an agility trial. Dogs didn't do to bad, but no Q's. Lots of little bobbles.
December 16, 2013 Received a call from the vet with results from her lump removal. Both lumps are benign. The one on her left flank was a Lepoma and the one on her back side was a benign hemangioma. We are so glad to get these results. Now it's time to go forward with our plans of training.
December 9, 2013 Eve has been spayed. While she was under we decided to have a couple of lumps removed. One on her backside was quite large and left about a 4" incision the other one on her right flank is only about 1". Now we wait for the results. Fingers and toes crossed.
November 13, 2013 Took Eve into Williams Lake for an Ultra Sound. Unfortunately Eve is not pregnant. We will not be breeding her again. She will be spayed. We will now concentrate on dog sports. Hopefully we can get her ready for the 2014 AAC Regionals.
November 4, 2013 Still cannot tell if Eve is pregnant or not. Tried to book into Williams Lake for an ultra sound but unfortunately the only vet that does them is out of the office this week. I really don't want to take her into town here because last time they forced her to lay down and shaved her belly. This is not necessary if you know what you are doing. And it was all done in the back area where all the sick dogs are caged.
September 28, 2013 Eve has been surgically inseminated with Frozen Semen from Finn. All went well. Semen was better than they thought it would be so hoping for puppies November 26th.
September 25, 2013 Results from progesterone taken at 5:30 pm today = 5.09. She has ovulated so surgery is scheduled for saturday.
September 23, 2013 Results of today's Progesterone = 2.13. Eve weighs 60 lbs. After going to W/L for the test we headed to the coast to visit with family while we waited for results and book another test.
September 20, 2013 Eve's progesterone was .75 ng. Still low so will do again on Monday. Thinking of going to W/L to do progesterone in the am then heading to the coast so will be available if needed again right away. This is a bit frustrating since I cannot get results until the following day. If on the coast I could get by the end of the day.
September 17, 2013 Took Eve to Williams Lake for her first progesterone test - results = .4ng so we are at very early stages. We are going again on Friday.
September 13, 2013 Eve has come back into season a bit early. We were away and she was with a sitter and when we returned we noticed her cleaning herself a lot. When checked it showed she was in season. Not really sure which was day 1 but will take her for her first progesterone test on the 19th and will go from there. We plan on doing a surgical implant of frozen semen collected from Finn in 2012.
June 2013 Eve is not pregnant. So disappointing.
May 5-8, 2013 We had 2 natural and 2 AI breedings with Finn. I had done another progesterone test on Monday and it was 26.5 nmol. Looks like we were right on time. Vet and Brenda (a long time breeder who did the AI's) thought she ovulated saturday or Sunday. Now it's time to wait and see. This is the hard part.
May 3, 2013 We did Eve's first progesterone yesterday and she is reading 4.2. I think we will be heading down to the coast a day earlier than expected. Hope to start breeding on Sunday.
April 25, 2013 Eve has gone into season a month early. Plans have been made to breed her to Inglis Dark Finn. Finn is a Klute son. Klute is Eve's great grandfather. Looking forward to puppies with fabulous temperments.
April 7, 2013 Eve gets her first Masters level agility Q in standard. She was very close in most of her other runs. We just had a few bobbles. Some very tight courses. We need to work on our push to the back of the jump, seems to be the latest big thing.
January 2, 2012 Eve had her ultra sound today and we are sad to say that she is not pregnant. Will decide later on whether to try again or not.
December 27, 2012 The last couple of days have taken Eve out for walks in the snow and she just walks right next to me. She's been real clingy. At times I think she is having morning sickness as she licks her lips and burps a lot. Hope these are all good signs that she is pregnant. Have booked an appt at Newton's in Surrey for an Ultra Sound on Jan 2. Day 28.
December 6, 2012, Eve was bred to Tinbie today thru AI. Vet said semen looked great, so everything should be good. Looking forward to puppies
February 4, 2012. Will do an ultra sound beginning of January.
December 5, 2012 We have had two more progesterone test. Monday Dec 3 she was at 3.96 and Tuesday was 7.3. Repro vet says we should be ready to go on Thursday. Keeping everything crossed.
November 29, 2012 Eve had her first progesterone test today (season started Nov 21). Level was 1.6 nmol/L. We have decided to do an AI and Tinbie was collected in Calgary today. We are using a 10 day extender. Eve and I will be heading to the coast on Sunday, Dec 2 and will be going to Newton's Animal Hospital in Surrey for another progesterone test on Monday. She's put on a few lbs. she weighed in at( 25.2 kg) 56 lbs. Although she doesn't look like she's carrying any extra weight.
November 3 & 4, 2012 Eve and I went to Prince George for an agility trial. I was judging the starters and advanced so I had a friend run Eve in her two final advanced runs and she Qualified in both and is now in all Masters level. I ran her in the other masters courses. We didn't get any Q's, but she ran great. We need to do some more work on tight turns etc.
October 14, 2012 Eve and I went to the coast to participate in the PAC agility trial. Hoping to get her AADC. Saturday wasn't a very successful day, we only Q'd in Steeplechase. Sunday turned out to be a wonderful day. Got 2 Advance Standard Q's ( both 20+ sec under time) giving us our AADC, 1 advanced snooker and 1 advanced jumpers. Still need one more jumpers to move up to Masters in that game. Also need 1 more gamblers.
October 9, 2012 Received the Brucellosis test results. Negative. Ready to go. So looking forward to breeding Eve to Tinbie.
October 3, 2012 Eve was in to the vets yesterday to have her Parvo titre and Brucellosis test. Vet called today to say her Parvo is fine and they also did distemper (a freebie) and it was fine too. Still waiting on the Brucellosis test results.
September 15, 2012 Eve, Forrest and I went to Quesnel for Agility. I was judging starters and Advanced, but was able to run my dogs in a couple of runs. Eve Q'd in her last steeplechase. I was hoping she would get something in her standard so we could move up to Masters, but we had a bar down. Here is a video of our first Steeplechase. we were over time by 2 sec.
July 20-22, 2012 We attended the 2012 FCRSC National Specialty in Abbotsford. Eve showed in the breed ring and made pick in the first round. She competed in Brace with her litter sister Sia, shown by Anna, and they placed 1st. She placed 2nd in Working Bitch, Sia placed first. The judge had a hard time deciding because they are so similiar. She showed with her puppies in the Brood Bitch group, no placement but it was lots of fun. To finish off the specialty she completed her WCI - Working Certificate Intermediate title.
Eve & Sia in Brace Eve;s WCI Ribbon
Here are the videos with Eve at the speciatly: BIS Competition http://youtu.be/_k7xIaoea8Y Brace with Eve and Sia: http://youtu.be/ZfuoKh5-OH4
June 16, 2012. Went to the Canadian Cane Corso and Cariboo Kennel Club's CKC Sanctioned match today. Eve earned her CGN (Canine Good Neighbour) and got 182. in her Obedience, Novice A.
June 8, 2012 Some Obedience and Conformation practice http://youtu.be/oSQHurv04iA
March 25, 2012 Eve did great at todays hunt practice. We worked on a walk up to a double then later did some quartering.
September 2011 Eve has competed in a couple of agility trials and is doing great. She spent a week swimming at green Lake and has finally started to get her muscles back. She is now competing in Advanced in all events and only needs one more Adv. Standard and one more Adv Gamblers. We still need to work on our handling but her enthusiasm is fantastic.
August 23, 2011 Eve turns 3 today. Wow how time flys. She has been everything I wanted in a flat coat and she is just beginning to blossom. She will be off do agility for the next little while. Time to have some fun again now that the puppies are gone. Except of course Miss Red now known as Autumn
Eve 3 years old and Autumn 10 weeks old.
August 4, 2011 Eve has been a super mom. I started weaning the pups at about 4 1/2 weeks. Let Eve feed last thing at night for about a week then stopped all feeding. In order to let her have access to her pups and still work on drying her up, I put a T-shirt on her to cover up her teats. She has dried up nicely and the pups are on total raw. I'm still leaving the T-shirt on as the puppies try to suckle every time anything is showing. Eve plays nicely with her puppies. I hear that she may loose her coat but as of today her coat is great. She is in really good shape. We did a bit of agility training today. She really wants to be doing stuff.
July 1, 2011 Eve is still having a bit of diarhea so I have her on brown rice and pumpkin for today.
June 15, 2011 Eve had her puppies. She started nesting early in the morning and throughout the day was showing signs that the time was coming close. At 9:01, she gave birth to the first baby girl, and by 10:14 she had given birth to 5 puppies 4 girls and 1 boy. She took a break and at 11:13 she gave birth to another two puppies finishing at 11:40 pm. Final total is 3 blk girls, 2 liver girls, 2 black boys. 2 of the puppies are very tiny. The liver girl was a surprise as we didn't even know she had been born and she didn't have a sack or a placenta attached. She was just kinda flaying around. But she was breathing and went to feed right away. She weighed only 8 oz. The other small blk girl was almost similiar in I just happened to notice these feet sticking up. Her sack and placenta had burst and she had a bit of fluid in her mouth, but that came out quickly on its own and she started feeding immediately also. She weighed 10 oz. The other puppies weighed 1 lb 1 oz, 1 lb 2 oz, 1 lb, 14 oz and 1 lb 4 oz.. Eve took care of all the puppies by cleaning them and cutting the cord herself. I let her eat the first placenta then discarded the rest of them. Early the next morning it looked like she expelled the missing placenta. I couldn't get a good look as she ate it so fast. All the puppies started feeding quickly. I will have to make sure I give a little extra hand to the two small girls as the bigger ones know how to push their way in and won't move. Eve is being a fabulous mom. She is eating and drinking lots of broth
Birthday, June 15, 2011 Compare sm blk & liver to others Feeding Frenzy Happy, Happy
June 13, 2011 So I gave in and let her have access to my bed again. Silly me. She is hungry all the time, she had been given a bit of kibble at 10 pm and she woke me up at 1:30 for some food and again at 4:00. So I gave her a handful of kibble each time and went back to bed. There's no ignoring her either because when she wants fed she sits on you (and she's very heavy right now) then starts to nudge you with her nose and if that isn't getting you up she starts to lick your face. Tonight, she will be penned in the whelping area with no access to my bed or to the outside. Don't want her going outside and having puppies in the dog run.
June 11, 2011 Eve is 58 days pregnant and is really looking big now. She's starting to feel a little uncomfortable at times. I have set up the whelping area and also a bed for me so I can be close to her and her puppies. I have started to sleep downstairs with her so she can get used to being in or near the whelping box. Funny thing though, she would much rather take up 3/4 of my bed and she can't be moved. So I have now put a pen between us so I can get some sleep at night.
June 2, 2011 Eve is 49 days pregnant and I took her in to be weighed today. She weighs approx 62 - 64 lbs. (the scale kept changing). She's still wanting to play and run a bit. Tires easily though.
May 22, 2011 Eve at 35 days pregnant playing bitey face with Forrest while at the AAC Regionals (Cynder was competing)
May 15, 2011 - Eve weighs 55 lbs today and is starting to loose her nice slim figure.
May 12, 2011 Pregnancy has been confirmed via ultrasound. Although you cannot tell the number of puppies through ultrasound, at one point we were able to see 5 sacks at one time, so there is at least five. Vet felt she was at day 25-27. I had counted day 28. So day 63 can be anywhere between June 16-18th.
Eve's ultrasound pics taken with my cell phone. 1 showing 1 sack, the other one showing two. Didn't think about pictures when we saw the five sacks.
April 17, 2011 Eve and I are in Port Alberni. We have had 3 successful breedings between Eve and Louhke. If all has gone well we should be having puppies around June 16.
April 2, 2011 Eve has come into season a lot sooner than I expected. She certainly has a mind of her own. We will be attending the Renaissance dog show in Chilliwack this week-end. Should prove interesting with both her and Forrest in the trailer together. I am considering staying down on the coast once the show is over and do my progesterone testing etc down there. Louhke, the male I will be using for this breeding. lives over on the island so it will save me some travelling time and costs. I had just entered her in the AAC Regionals taking place the May long week-end at the coast, so I will have to pull her now as hopefully she will be pregnant.
March 12, 2011 Eve finished her Agility Dog Of Canada title at the Top Dog agility trial in Prince George. She is running great.
Mar 3, 2011 Eve had her recheck of her eye and it was determined that she had something in her left eye. I decided to go with the laser surgery rather than wait and see. Because it was removed using laser, it was not biopsied so we will not know if it was benign or not. She will be rechecked by Dr. Keller at the end of March. I confirmed with Dr. Keller that this is not hereditary and she feels that it should no longer be a problem.
Feb 16, 2011 In preparation of our breeding of Eve, we had Teddy's sperm checked and unfortunately he is no longer viable. Strickly due to his age - 11. So after some further researching an agreement has been made to use CH Glainddu's Third Time Lucky "Louhke". Louhke was 2 Dec 9 and has his CH and WC and 1 leg towards his JH. His pedigree is from some very old English dogs. I am very excited about this breeding and being able to bring these great English dogs into our lines.
Feb 13. 2011 We attended the Leaps and Bounds agility trial down at the coast. I was judging so we didn't get to run very much. Friday night we ran 2 steeplechase and Eve actually Qualified and placed 4th in one of them. Saturday she Q'd in Advanced Gamblers. I was hoping to get her final Starters Standard, but it wasn't meant to be.
Feb 11, 2011 Eve had her yearly CERF exam today with Dr. Keller in New Westminster. Her CERF is clear. But upon examination, she discovered what she thought was an iris melanoma in her left eye. Because Eve's pupils where dilated for her exam we would have to return for another appointment to have it rechecked and possibly have laser surgery to remove it.
Eve and Forrest Febraury 1, 2011
January 9, 2011 obed practice video tunnel fun video
Xmas 2010
Forrest, Eve, Cynder
Dec 2, 2010 Took Eve to Williams Lake today for an ultra sound. Unfortunately she is not pregnant this time. We will re-do this breeding on her next season. Will do an Artificial Insemination possibly with a natural. One good thing about our vet visit is that Eve had no problem with this vet office. So I will have to se this one more often.
Nov 18, 2010 Eve's tests came back negative. The vet said we did the test too early (apparently the office staff did not notify him we were doing the test) So we re-did the test on the 17th. Hopefully will have results by saturday. Hoping there are no further problems. After doing some further research, I have discovered that this test isn't as easy as it sounds. The timing has to be perfect.
Nov 13, 2010 Did pregnancy test. Decided to go with the blood test vs ultrasound as Eve is terrified of the Vets office and I don't want to stress her. So I had them come to the car and take the blood. The test was taken on the 9th and we were supposed to have the results by Friday, but the vets screwed up and had to send the sample off to a different lab. Hopefully will know if she is pregnant or not in a few days. She is certainly acting like she is. She is very clingy and a bit moody. Her appetite has really increased, but that could be just because she's a retriever. I'm starting to restrict her walks to on leash only. She's not very happy about that.
Oct 17, 2010 Eve has been bred to Teddy. She was bred from the 13th to the 17th. Now we wait and see.
Oct 3, 2010 Eve has gone into season and we have decided to breed her to "Teddy". check out our breeding info page for more details.
Oct 2, 2010 Finally got around to putting Eve's ribbons on her wall. Not bad for a 2 year old. I think I'm going to run out of wall space before we're finished.
Sept 28, 2010 Been working on getting Eve to put all four legs inside a box. It took her two 15 minute sessions to figure if out. I then changed the box for a slightly smaller one and she did that but when I tried a smaller box she just put her back legs in and looked at me like - you got to be kidding. We also did some heal work and getting her to stand while I walk around her. She's moving at least one foot. I'm sure we will get it soon.
Sept 18, 2010 Eve had an appointment at Newton's Animal Hospital today to have her OFA X-rays. She really hates going into the vets but we managed to get through it.
Aug 28 & 29, 2010 Eve competed in our (Cariboo Agility Team) agility trial this week-end. She didn't have much attention as I was the trial scorekeeper, trial secretary and also it was my judging debut. So when she get out of her crate, she was full of it. I couldn't believe how fast she ran. I had a little chat with her and explained to her that she is not a border collie. We didn't get any Q's, but boy it was fun.
July 28 - Aug 2, 2010 - FCRSA Regionals & FCRSC Nationals in Calgary. WOW, what a week. Eve was just awesome. Wednesday at the FCRSA conformation Regional show she placed 2nd in Open Female and then went on to take Reserve Winners Female under UK Judge Mrs. Vivienne Bowen. Thursday Eve competed in Rally. In the morning she was in FCRSA rally novice and got a score of 97 then in the afternoon she competed in the FCRSC Rally novice with a score of 98 and 1st place. Friday in the FCRSC National conformation she placed 2nd place in Open Females. Saturday we competed in the Alberta Kennel Club's flat coat booster all breed conformation show and took our Open Female class and Winners Female then went on to take Best of Opposite for 4 points under Judge Dr,. Ronald Spritzer. This completed our Championship title. As soon as we finished in the conformation ring I gave Terry all our ribbons, prizes and Eve and ran over to the Rally ring. fortunately I made it before they finished the walk through. Eve came in 4th out of 35 dogs in Rally Novice to get her RN title. and top Flat coat prize. Sunday we were off to the field work. The test included two different birds. The first mark was a pheasant and the 2nd mark was a duck. Eve had no problem with the pheasant even though we had never seen one before. She had a bit of a problem with the duck. She went straight to the mark, but because it was a different bird she didn't want to bring me that one so she kept looking for a pheasant. She finally brought the duck and we completed the land marks. Her water was great. No problems at all. Did both the marks without hesitation. She really loves her water. She passed her WC test. The next day we had signed up for a WC test with the GRCAB so I decided to move her up to WCI and give it a try even though we have not trained for this level. Eve was great. She did the double, not in the correct sequence, but she did it. She did the honour nicely until the other dog went for the retrieve then Eve couldn't hold off any longer - she broke, but I was able to stop her and call her back to me. So we failed this one. But I was very happy with her work. I think she will be able to do a WCI with a little training. Because of her placings in the conformation and her Rally and novice passes Eve also earned her Beauty and Brains Ribbon.
July 10 & 11, 2010 Attended the Clear Sailing Agility Trial in Quesnel. Eve got her final starters gamblers Q and her first starters jumpers Q. She ran her very first steeplechase and finished overtime by 1.06 seconds. She also entered her first CARO Rally trial. She was doing really good until she stopped and pee'd in the ring.
June 26-28, 2010 Eve was entered in the Nicola Valley Kennel Club conformation shows in Merritt, B.C. She had a fabulous week-end. She took 1 Best of Winners, 3 Best of Breeds and 1 Group 2. She's really starting to show great. She has some great movement.
June 4,5,6, 2010 Attended an AAC Agility Trial in Kamloops. Eve qualified in 1 Starters Standard and 2 Starter Gambler runs. She ran great. Had a small problem with her jumpers course when she decided to go after her treat bag that was outside the ring. After that I decided to only bring out her tug and will go back to our tenting area for her treats. This worked really well.
Click here for a video of Eve's gamblers run or click here for another one.
April 2,3,4,5, 2010 Eve was Reserve Winners Bitch 2 of the 3 days and BOW and BOS on day 4 under Finnish judge Ms. Heikkenen Lehkonen. Her litter sister Sia was BOW and BOS 2 of the 3 days and on the 3rd day she was WB.
Insert Videos Here (sorry videos not available at this time)
Eve Sia & Eve
March 6, 2010 Eve was entered in her very first AAC Sanctioned Agility trial hosted by Top Dog in Prince George, B.C. She was entered in 2 jumpers, 2 standard, 1 snooker, 2 gamblers. I was a little concerned that she wouldn't be into it since she had just come out of season and she wasn't quite herself. She was awesome. She qualified in her first standard and her snooker. She should have qualified in her gamblers, she had lots of points and completed the gamble, but I stepped over the gamble line. Bad Handler. Her second standard run, she was a bit distracted and went off to visit some of the ring crew. Her last run of the trial was a jumpers and she ran it beautifully, really fast. She was right on. I called her to me after a jump and I was late in giving her the tunnel command and she ran to me instead, so we got 5 faults. Her time was great. SCT was 40 seconds and she completed it in 26.97 seconds. She behaved herself very well in between runs and being left in her x-pen by herself while I ran Cynder.
Here are a couple of links to her first jumpers and her first Standard. Unfortunately my video camera's battery died and I wasn't able to get any more video.
Eve's first agility ribbons - 22 Regular - 1st place in Starters Standard and Starters Snooker
January 22, 2010 Eve has gone back into season. I was expecting it a bit earlier than this but this works out better for our trialing/showing this year. We did a bit of hunt practice a week ago and Eve did pretty darn good. She did some great pile work. Had no problem with some long retrieves.
Oct 29 & 30, 2009. Attended the Around the World Conformation show at the Trade X in Abbotsford. Eve received Reserve Winners Female on Thursday and a 3rd on Friday. It was a great opportunity for me to learn more about dog shows. Here is a clip from Thursdays yearling sweepstakes
Oct 5, 2009 Yesterday we finally got a chance to do some hunt practice. Haven't done any in months. Eve was pretty darn good. She even did her very first water double. We have not practiced doubles at all so it was great to see her do one. We have been working on more agility and have introduced the weave poles about a month ago and have been working with channel weaves. As of today I have them set about 1 1/2" apart. I plan on introducing the 2 X 2 method to her shortly - to work on her entries. But I wanted to get her weaves going before the snow comes. After our practice the girls and I went for a walk around one of the lakes here
Click here to see Eve's Weaves Click here to see the girls agility practice
August 3, 2009 Eve weighs 49lbs and is approx 22 inches tall. We have begun our agility training and she is doing great. She is doing the full height teeter - was trained using the two table method, does the table with a nice down, jumping 16", has done the chute and tunnels. We have been working on the dogwalk and I have been undecided on whether to do a running contact or a 2 on 2 off. I have tried both and although she did jump off once with the running, I have decided to go with this. When I tried her with the 2 on 2 off I noticed her really slowing down. So I have put some hoops at the end of the dogwalk to help her keep her dead down and hit the contact. I am also going to do a running on the A-Frame. I am hoping to start her on the weaves sometime this month. The weather has been extremely hot so we only get to work for about 20 minutes in the morning.
Went for a hunt practice on Saturday. She did some nice retrieves. We really need to do some more land work. She marks well, but if she looses sight of it she doesn't seem to really know to keep looking. Her water work is very nice. She got a little distracted with a weed and a stick along route, but still managed to get herself turned around and go to the bumper. She had an opportunity to bank run, but she came back to me in the water.
June 2009 Back from the FCRSC Specialty in Nanaimo. It was a a very long trip but all 3 dogs travelled very well. Eve showed nicely, even though she spent most of her time in a crate to keep her away from the boys. On Friday she placed 2nd in the Nanaimo Kennel Club Booster and 2nd in the FCRSC Puppy (9-12 mo) Sweeps. Both times behind her littermate Sia. On Saturday she placed 3rd in the Senior puppy group. Her littermates Sia and Coda placed 1st and 2nd. They both look much more mature than Eve. And poor Eve had a very inexperienced handler - me
Sia, Coda, Eve
We competed in the PRHRC WC test on Sunday and the FCRSC on Monday. In Saturday's test Eve took off like a little bullet straight to the bird and proceeded to roll on it for a few minutes. I was finally able to get her off the bird and back to me. (without bird). We were able to get a bird for practicing that evening and she was great. She didn't roll on the bird once. She brought it back to my hand every time. I had hope for the next days trial. Monday I had to run between two different areas (I was also running Cynder in WCI) and when I got to line I noticed I didn't have my whistles. The Judge said we could use words.. When released, Eve ran straight out to the bird and rolled on it again but this time she only did it for a few moments then stopped and picked up the bird and brought it back to me. Whew...one down, one to go. I sent her to the next mark and again she ran out with lots of enthusiasm, but for some reason couldn't seem to find the bird. She stopped for a pee (she had just went before the test) and then went over to the gunner. When she looked like she was over the bird I called her back in, but she didn't have the bird. I took her back out to where I thought the bird was, and it wasn't there. It was a bit farther than I thought. So I'm not sure if it was me calling her in or if she just didn't find the bird that caused her to come without the bird. We have since been to the fields and the water and practiced with birds with no problems. I think some of the problem may have been her being in heat and having been crated for so long. I had to be careful where I walked her and wasn't allowed to let her off leash so she had lots of energy to burn.
June 17, 2009 Getting ready for our trip to Nanaimo. Three of the female littermates are entered along with 2 of the males. One of her littermates is just coming out of heat and the other one has just gone into heat. They are all entered in the shows. Eve has blown her coat, and it was just coming in nicely.
June 9, 2009 Eve has gone into heat - a week before we head off to the Flat Coated Retrievers National Specialty in Nanaimo. This should make for some interesting showing. She is entered in 3 conformation shows and 2 WC test.
June 4, 2009 Eve and Cynder have been practicing and swimming in lakes for 5 days in a row. Eve's swimming has become much stronger and she is now bringing the bumper back to me. If she drops it before she gets to me I just wait her out and she will pick it up and come to my side. Of course she wants it to be thrown again. She really loves the water. Cynder is a bit jealous and keeps a very close eye when I work with Eve.
May 10, 2009 We did some water and land retrieves today. Eve is coming along great.
Click here to see her 3rd water retrieve of the day Click here to see her 4th water retrieve of the day
May 8, 2009 We did some practicing earlier in the week and one of the bumpers had been thrown about the same distance but she lost it amongst all the splashing and turned around and looked like she was going to come back. I actually started to think I would have to go in after her, but she got sight of the bumper again and continued to get it and bring it back. You can see some of the pictures on our flickr page.
April 20, 2009 Eve finally got to go to a pond that she could actually swim in. We did some water retrieves and the first time to the water, she dove right in. I was really surprised. I thought she might of scared herself, but she went straight for the bumper and brought it back to land. Didn't retrieve to my hand though, she was too interested in getting back in the water for the next retriever. She is quite amusing to watch swim because she does the puppy dog paddle with lots of splashing going on. We also did some land retrieves and she did pretty good except the first time she found some cooked chicken skin in the field. She then became a bit distracted for the next retrieve so I put her away and ran Cynder for a bit. When I brought her back out, she ran the retrieves real nice.
April 10, 2009 Anna took and showed Eve to the Renaissance Dog Association Conformation show in Chilliwack, B.C. Eve placed 2nd in the puppy 6-9 month. This is the first time she has been away from me and first time in the ring with someone else. Good job Eve and Anna.
March 30, 2009 Eve and I attended a Susan Garrett Puppy seminar. Eve did all her practices really well. Did some "its yer choice" , Crate and drive games and lots of tugging including on a table. So much for the both of us to work on
March 27, 2009 Eve competed in her very first conformation show and took BEST OF WINNERS for her first point under Judge Terry Carter. We attended both Thur & Friday and she was a real little trooper

to read more of Eve's early days click here